Although a mature ML practitioner should be comfortable with both Python and R, it is always entertaining to tune your ears whenever there is ‘friendly’ banter between R and Python enthusiasts.

Table of Contents

The power of R

Python was my first data science language, and I must confess that I usually have the TidyVerse cheatsheet open (amongst others) whenever I use R to do exploratory analysis.

R can be very useful for time series analysis. The statsmodels library in Python whilst useful, has documentation that is vague at best. It assumes that you already know what is going on.

To the best of my knowledge there is no function in Python that automatically fits an ARIMA model in R. As a result, we have people writing 7 inner for loops to try and find an optimal SARIMAX model via grid search.

Sometimes it’s just better to use a convenient function like auto.arima(), which only exists in R.

We begin with how to set up rpy2 and a simple example. Despite being so simple, one must tread carefully because when converting objects between 2 languages, the behaviour can be unexpected.

Setting up Rpy2

Let’s try running some basic R by porting it into our Python environment. We will need 2 components:

import rpy2.robjects as robjects
from rpy2.rojects.packages import importr

We need the robjects module in order to work with R objects and functions, whilst importr will allow us to import R packages into our environment to use.

Alright, let’s test it out!

pnorm = robjects.r['pnorm']
q = pnorm(1.96)

As you might know, pnorm will return a Gaussian CDF given the quantile, which is 0.975.

Now let’s say you wanted to manipulate this with some arithmetic.

q_prime = q + 1

You might find it surprising for the output to be

[1] 0.9750021 1.0000000

It turns out that pnorm is a rpy2.robjects.vectors.FloatVector object, and thus by adding something you are instead appending to the vector.

To make this work you would need to index the object

q_prime = q[0] + 1

which returns


Some R objects can be much more complicated to deal with. To make your life slightly easier, rpy2 has a convenient function that allows (somewhat) easier translation of objects across languages.

from rpy2.robjects import pandas2ri
from rpy2.robjects import numpy2ri


pandas2ri and numpy2ri allow conversion from Python pandas and numpy objects to an appropriate R object and vice versa.

If you try running the code above, the returned object will be a np.ndarray


and you still will have to be careful because the ‘+ 1’ will be element-wise addition!

As you can imagine, this can be ‘fun’ to debug if you assume that returned R objects will behave like Python objects.

You have been warned.

Now let’s try do something that is a little more complicated like porting R functions into Python.

Writing R functions

You’re really not going to be bothered with using R if you just wanted to compute the CDF of a Gaussian, so let’s look at how you can utilise rpy2 to call auto.arima().

If you are using this locally, make sure you have installed the forecast package using an R interface.

If not you may need to install it using Python.

utils = importr('utils')

However, when I tried this I ran into problems so I would recommend to install packages using R.

We write a R function, store it as a string and save it to a Python variable.

auto_arima_R = """

auto_arima_R <- function(ts_R, steps, freq){


    ts_obj = ts(ts_R$sales, freq=freq)

    model <- auto.arima(ts_obj, seasonal=TRUE)
    predict <- forecast(model, h=steps)

    list(pred=predict[4], pred=model$fitted)

auto_arima_R = robjects.r(auto_arima_R)

Alright, so now we have a python function that will call the auto.arima() function from the forecast package and return a n-steps ahead prediction.

Let’s generate some data and use it for forecasting.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import random

a = 2; b = 3
mu = 1; sd = 2
n = 200

def rand_points(a, b, mu, sd, n):
  arr = []
  for i in range(n):
    arr.append(a*i + b + random.gauss(mu, sd))
  return arr

index = np.arange(0, n)
sales = rand_points(a, b, mu, sd, n)

df = pd.DataFrame({
    'date': index,
    'sales': sales


result = auto_arima_R(df, steps=8, freq=4)

You should be able to extract the result by indexing

print(result[0][0])  # predictions
print(result[1])     # fitted values

So there you go! No more writing for loops to fit ARIMA models to your time series!


Read the docs and test the behaviour VERY carefully - you never know what’s going to happen.

The best way to utilise this wonderful library is to return the simplest object type you can e.g. a vector, and mold the vector back into a DataFrame or matrix using Python so you don’t run into unexpected behaviours.

With great power comes great responsibility =)